Thursday, February 14, 2008

When Should I Clean My Carpets?

Please visit The Specialists Official Website (scroll down to the middle of the page) where we have posted the Chart in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). How often you clean your carpets depends on many factors: How many people live in the house? Do you have pets? Is there nearby contruction? Do you smoke indoors? Is it humid outside?

You may wonder, why does humidity have anything to do with how often I should clean my carpets? Dust Mites thrive in humid climates. Dust Mites are the culprit for allergic reactions. Have you ever wondered "What am I allergic to in my home?" It's not so much the Dust Mites, as it is their potent and toxic fecal matter.

Here is an informative clip on Dust Mites with microscopic magnification.

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