Saturday, January 12, 2008

How To Clean A Spill Including Fresh Pet Urine Spots

STEP 1: Cover spill with WHITE napkin or paper towels. DO NOT use colored paper! It might transfer onto the carpet. Be sure to use a THICK stack to absorb as much of the spot as possible.

STEP 2: Blot by stepping on stack of towels.

STEP 3: Apply Spotting Agent. Warning: Do not use spot removers that you get at the grocery store! They leave a sticky residue behind and may discolor your carpet. Get a Specialists Spotter FREE from The Specialists. Ask us how.

Pet Spots: Only Use Pet Spotter on pet spots. Urine turns “alkaline” from being exposed to oxygen. Pet Spotter is designed to neutralize urine salts.
*GET YOUR CARPET CLEANED AS SOON AFTER A PET SPOT AS POSSIBLE! Even when you do a great job cleaning the spot, urine salts can still be left behind which will discolor your textile and collect odor causing bacteria. Warning: Do NOT use over the counter spotters for urine. They are not designed to neutralize the urine salts.

STEP 4: REPEAT Steps 1 and 2. If the spot does not come out, do NOT attempt any further action, as you may set the spot and/or damage your carpet.

Instead, call us immediately at (916) 348-7018 If it is after hours, keep it moist until morning by misting a little more solution or water and placing Saran Wrap over it to create a greenhouse. Leave a voice mail message and we will contact you immediately the next business day.

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